Bill-Vollmer-Universal Sphere®

Bill Vollmer – Universal Sphere®

Journey to Extraordinary

Believe it When I see it.

I worked with technology and believed what I could see.

7 years ago that all changed.

It is a beautiful Sunday afternoon and I’m sitting on the front steps of our townhouse.  I’m not enjoying the warmth of the sun but rather my face is buried in my hands and I’m lost in my agony and don’t know how to go on. I’m working 50 hours a week and can’t get ahead, I’m on my 2nd marriage and am struggling to keep it together, I’m not connected to any of my children and I’m angry all the time. I have no idea how to change my situation. I’m exhausted, overwhelmed, and defeated.

My wife Lynn came out and said something to me that changed everything.

She said, “Bill, your life is a reflection of you. Change who you are inside and your reality will change outside.”

I didn’t fully understand the power that that knowledge gave me; but, I was willing to find out.

It took 50 years for me to totally muck up my life to that point. It is not surprising that it is taking a while to change it.  The great news is, every time I have made a change in my thinking or feeling there has always been a positive shift in my physical reality on the outside.

Extraordinary Changes

My journey is far from over, but the changes I have experienced in my life have been nothing short of amazing, astounding, and extraordinary.

  • I have more than doubled my income
  • My wife and I have never been closer or more open
  • I am enjoying my best connections with my children each and every day
  • I have more peace and joy in my life, and
  • My vibration is rising each day

How does it get any better than that?

Why Universal Spheres®

There are many “tools” available to help change how someone thinks and feels, and I have tried many. I became a Universal Sphere® Instructor because using the Universal Sphere is extremely easy to learn and fast to do – I can do a Universal Sphere in under 15 minutes.

During my training to become a Universal Sphere® Instructor I started the practice of creating a Universal Sphere® every day.  I can’t even tell you what they were for; but, what I can tell you is that my wife said she saw the biggest changes in who I was during that time and she really liked what she saw.

I have found the most important aspect of changing yourself or your circumstances is consistency. The daily practice of being in the solution energy of the Universal Sphere® will bring about positive changes in your circumstances and your reality. You might not even have specifically asked for them.

I look forward to sharing with you how to bring the extraordinary into your life in as little as 15 minutes a day.