“I participated in the Universal Sphere® Campaign program that Beyond Today Beyond Tomorrow offers. It was a great experience. Post the US® Campaign, I have noticed a renewed energy and motivation for and in my business. My goal was to be busier and to adjust my revenue sources to include more freelance work. Now I have the most ever booked for 2019.  Moving forward, I’m excited about the positive changes still in the works for my business.  If you are looking to make a change in your business, I highly recommend the US® Campaign.
Update (Nov 2019): My year over year sales have increased by more than 20% since participating in the US® Campaign.”

“I enjoyed the session. It was interesting and informative. It was also well-paced and easy to follow. Bill is a natural teacher. He had humorous stories and kept the session moving along at a comfortable pace. I thoroughly enjoyed the day and I believe I learned a lot.”
“Great class Bill! What a gift. Thank you for sharing your energy and wisdom to raise all our vibrations, and that of the world. Forever expanded because of this new knowledge. Thank you!”
“The session was incredibly useful simply by its format. Bill listened carefully to what I wanted and by asking clarifying questions, we were able to reduce my somewhat scattered wants/needs to a very focused and succinct formula. I love this result, as I have released this formula to the Universe, and I’m no longer scattering my energy by being distracted by all of those different factors. When I do think about them, I can see them in the form of that focused concise formula. Bill was very kind and empathetic during the process and I did not feel judged at all for any of what I requested or shared. I’m so glad I booked the session. Things are definitely changing for me.”
“Bill was a very easy to follow teacher of the Universal Sphere process. It was a very enjoyable and rewarding class. It was a focused and fun day.”
“Bill was a fantastic instructor, full of energy and enthusiasm. He was very open to questions and was approachable, clear and generous. He conveyed the material with ease and wisdom, making it feel infectious. Thanks, Bill, for a great class, and an amazing gift of the Universal Sphere!”
“I think Bill did a wonderful job of teaching – clear & concise with a great sense of humour. He explained things very well with lots of examples and stories. I would highly recommend him as an instructor and I will recommend him to friends and clients who want to learn.”  
“I was drawn to the Universal Sphere because I was frustrated and seeking clarity in my life. I literally had more questions than answers. Since the session, I am uncharacteristically calm. While I don’t yet have all the answers, I am not worried. The absence of my ever-present anxiety is proof that the process works. I look forward to seeing how things unfold.”
“Bill’s passion for US comes through in his teaching. His willingness to be vulnerable and authentic is a bright light in the room. Thanks Bill.”
“I had made a decision to make a pretty substantial life change but there was a lot of confusion around it as to how to make it happen. After doing a Universal Sphere session with Bill things have been moving forward with this change very rapidly with clear messages coming through as to what steps to take. Bill was very diligent on making sure that we had the true goal in mind and guided me to this with ease. I would recommend Bill Vollmer and the Universal Sphere technique to anyone needing help to clear the path to move forward in your life. Thanks Bill, looking forward to working with you more.”